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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hey guys, its been a while since we have posted anything. But now since we are all up and running and we have created our gallery site we would like to officially open our blog. Our rates and services, portfolio and masterpieces can be found at our gallery site and we hope that you will leave your personal information there and register for our loyalty plan located at the Contact Us tab. Basically, the loyalty plan involves us notifying you guys about promotions and discounts through our newsletters. Hopefully, you guys will start making requests soon because, we are freakin bored during the holidays. I can't say for Wei Yng but I know I am. SO what you waiting for make your move now!

1:47 AM | back to top

Monday, November 24, 2008

Technorati Profile

10:55 PM | back to top

The Big Debut.
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Here at Supernova Devils we give you the opportunity to be anywhere you please in the world - not literally but in a picture. For example, you may see yourself standing next to the likes of Opera Winfrey, jumping out from nowhere into Old Trafford or battling it out in the Soviet army. All of this is possible through Photoshop. After pausing to think we realize that there is a market for those who are too lazy to edit their own pictures or probably some who don't know how to do so. But have no fear, this is the reason why we are here. We can provide you editing services without having do deal with cash or credit cards. Hard to believe? Well, read on to find out more


We don't like messing around with cash and credit cards. Our medium of payment would be through the internet of course. However, those who are kind enough to provide us their credit card no. we don't mind that either. :D Getting back to the point, we recieve payment through blog traffic. Just by visiting our blog you can get yourself an editted pic practically for free! These are the methods of payment we accept:

Method 1

Step 1: Send a SN Devil request to kaelanweiyng@gmail.com with the attached photographs
Step 2: Once we recieve you request we will send you a confirmation email regarding your req.
Step 3: From there on, you are required to visit supernovadevils.blogspot.com at least 5 times over a period of 3 days
Step 4: Every time you visit users are required to leave their name and number of times visited on the tag board (ie. John 3rd time). Users also HAVE TO click on the ads.
Step 5: After you have completed you course of visiting, we will work on your req. and send you your pic over a period of 2 weeks.

Method 2

Step1: Refferal method: Refer you friends this blog
Step 2: Make sure they leave their name and refferer name (ie {your name is John} Carolyn reffered by John)
Step 3: Get 5 refferals
Step 4: Send req. to kaelanweiyng@gmail.com

NOTE: Supernova Devils is not a public listed company and do not offer for sale any shares. :D However we are always welcome to sponsors or investors who have valid interest in what we are doing

11:00 AM | back to top


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Copy and paste the code below and paste it under your links in your site/blog!
